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- Date: 20-Jun-87 20:31 MST
- From: Executive News Svc. [76374,303]
- Subj: APfl 06/20 1301 UFO Investigations
- By BILL KACZOR Associated Press Writer
- FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- A retired Air Force pilot says he
- suspects, contrary to official denials, an unknown federal agency is
- investigating reports of unidentified flying objects and other close
- encounters with extraterrestrial beings.
- Donald M. Ware, Florida state director of the Mutual UFO Network Inc., a
- private "ufology" organization, says he doesn't have any direct knowledge but
- nearly a lifetime of study leads him to believe probes are secretly being
- conducted by some national intelligence agency.
- "That idea doesn't bother me. I don't mind being an unequal partner," Ware
- said in a recent interview. "I support the policy of secrecy."
- He said secrecy would be necessary because, official statements
- notwithstanding, he is convinced the subject involves national security in the
- form of advanced alien technology.
- Ware said he intends to take that message to the Annual MUFON UFO Symposium
- June 26-28 at American University in Washington, D.C., where he is to be part
- of a panel discussion on UFOs and the government.
- His position is unlikely to be shared by many UFO investigators, Ware
- admitted. A common complaint of ufologists is the government's professed lack
- of interest and its failure to cooperate with private UFO studies.
- "I'm so bold as to suggest there is a possibility of cooperation with some
- unknown government agency if we show a little more tolerance of their policy
- of secrecy," Ware said.
- "As long as we publicly take such an antagonistic attitude, as long as we
- place the government in an adversarial relationship," Ware said, "we are not
- going to get much cooperation from them whoever they are."
- The Air Force closed its Project Blue Book investigation of more than
- 12,000 UFOs in 1969 after a panel of scientists found no evidence of visitors
- from outer space. Most sightings were found to be such things as planets,
- stars, meteors, weather balloons, satellites, false radar echoes, marsh gas,
- clouds, aircraft or optical illusions, but a few have remained unexplained.
- The official word ever since has been that the government has nothing to do
- with UFO investigations and whatever they might be they pose no threat to
- national security.
- Ware, 51, joined the service in 1957. He said he was uninvolved in the Air
- Force's UFO activities during his 26-year military career as a teacher, staff
- scientist and fighter pilot, including two combat tours in Vietnam.
- "That's one reason I can speak so freely," he said. "I have no information
- from the Air Force."
- His interest began as a teen-ager in 1952 when he saw star-like objects
- streaking through the sky while walking near his home in the nation's capital.
- Similar sightings, including radar returns, had been reported a week earlier
- and Ware said they remain unexplained.
- He began reading everything about UFOs he could get his hands on, including
- books in the library at Duke University where he received a mechanical
- engineering degree. He later earned a master's degree in nuclear engineering
- from the Air Force Institute of Technology.
- Ware kept up his interest in UFOs, building up a personal library on the
- subject and questioning other pilots.
- "I had no qualms about saying, `Anybody seen a UFO?' " Ware said. The
- answer, he said, usually was "yes."
- However, until March of 1970, military personnel were ordered not to talk
- about UFOs, Ware said.
- "I think that in the late '40s and early '50s the U.S. government really
- wanted the public to tell them what they saw and that those people primarily
- responsible for investigating UFOs were not listed in the phone book," Ware
- said. "The U.S. Air Force was chosen as Uncle Sam's public relations agent
- because they were listed in the phone book."
- No one thing has convinced him of government involvement, Ware said. "Two
- years of study after I saw the UFOs in 1952 convinced me that somebody is
- watching us," he said. "Ten more years of study caused me to think somebody
- in our government has known that as a fact at least since 1947."
- Ware said his goals in becoming state director of MUFON, an international
- scientific organization based in Seguin, Texas, were to improve relations
- between "ufologists" and the government and to learn all he could about alien
- technology from abductees and other witnesses of close encounters.
- Ware said he hasn't seen any more UFOs since 1952 and doesn't expect to.
- "I haven't been selected," he said. He still scans the skies, but not for
- UFOs. When he's not investigating UFO reports or giving talks about the
- subject to civic groups, he is bird watching. He is treasurer of and runs an
- annual bird count for the Choctawhatchee Audubon Society and does surveys for
- the Florida Breeding Bird Atlas project.
- Ware said his two avocations are unrelated. "Lots of people have accused
- me of getting a lot of satisfaction from identifying feathered objects," he
- said, grinning. "No, I'm just a nature boy."
- Copyright 1987 by the Associated Press. All rights reserved.